Potato Diet Day 4

Day 4

My cravings are starting to settle down and instead of wanting sweets, I’m wanting a nice fruit smoothie. Which would be a shock to people who know me because I hate fruit. I’m thinking our fridge going out might have been a blessing to my diet (partly). Once we get the new one in, I can stock it up with healthier items. I’ve decided I’m just going to do this diet until Sunday. I have a busy schedule coming up where I’m not going to be able to be as strict with my diet and it’s also been very hard for me to work out while on this diet. I’ve been debating trying on Keto once I return from vacation next month, we’ll see!


Breakfast: One red potato, diced into small pieces with reduced sugar ketchup. Basically the only way I’ve been eating them for breakfast. This morning I seasoned them with garlic powder and our Grill Mates spice.

Lunch: Same as breakfast. Had another Chewy bar in order to not be too hangry at work.

Dinner: Two normal potatoes, sliced like wedges with reduced sugar ketchup.

One scoop of Muscle milk protein mixed with water because I worked out a little bit and went on a walk.

It was a boring food day, but hey, I’m running out of ways to creatively prepare potatoes. Today, I was in a rush because I couldn’t meal prep last night, so I just chopped a bunch of potatoes and went with it! You do what you ‘gotta do!

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