Tag Archives: trick r treat

Top 10 Horror Movies (that had me hiding under the covers)

I’ve ranked these on a scale of least scary (but still scary) to the one that literally still gives me nightmares. Happy Nightmares!

10. Krampus

I expected this one to be scarier than it was, it fell short on the terror due to the killer toys coming to life not being scary enough. They kind of had me giggling half the time. My parents, who are not into scary movies at all, actually watched this one. I am thankful to the directors for giving us horror movie lovers something creepy but seasonal to watch around Christmas.

krampus 10

9. Trick R Treat

I was late in the game watching this one. Watched it for the first time last year and I was pleased. I remember growing up and seeing movie posters and thinking that this would be too scary to watch, but it wasn’t. I loved how we had different stories but they all connected with Sam in the end.


8. You’re Next

I loved this one! I’ve seen it a handful of times and it always gets me. It’s a little on the gory side since the murders start off almost immediately. The only scene that really bothered me was the ‘clothes line’ scene. You’ll know what I’m talkin’ about when you see it…



7. Get Out

This was probably the best horror movie I’ve watched since Cabin in the Woods, but it also fell short on the spooky vibes, thanks to the comedy. We need more comic relief in horror movies though! Loved the plot twist! This one is good for those of you who don’t like the blood and gore that comes with horror movies. It was kept to a minimum with this one.


6. Cabin in the Woods

The guy in the GIF is what made this movie so awesome, aside from the weird plot twist. Now, you may think you’ve seen every ‘cabin in the woods’ movie out there, but this one is different. It has that feeling of your normal ‘campy’ horror but with a big twist. A company basically controls your moves if your life was a horror movie. Love the concept, great acting, but could have had a better ending.


5. Texas Chainsaw 3D

I don’t like gore. I can’t even tell you if I’ve seen any other Texas Chainsaw movies (I’m that person that runs and screams from chainsaws in haunted houses). This one made the top five because of the twist at the end where the victim starts banning together with the villain.


4. IT (2017)

Anyone else see the remake? I’m not sure if I liked it so much because I expected the worse due to the horrible original or if I actually really just enjoyed it. The child actors in this did an amazing job (especially Georgie and Richie, they were my favorite characters), Bill (IT) was fantastic making his version of Pennywise equally frightening and charming (before he bites your head off). I have a full review of the movie up on the blog. Perfect amount of humor in this one too. I can’t wait for the sequel!


3. The Visit

This one… holy moly. M. Night Shyamalan is insane! At first I thought this was just a terrifying movie about grandparents losing their minds or being possessed while watching the grandkids. But then you find out what’s really happening. They’re really crazy, but they aren’t who they say they are!


2. It Follows

I couldn’t sleep after watching this movie. Basically, a horror movie killer that can only be passed on via sexual contact. You can only get rid of it by having sex, if it kills you, it gets the person who gave it to you and so on. What. The. Hell?! There were many parts of this movie that I was covering my eyes in fear. You don’t know who it is that’s following you, it can be anyone. Imagine that! Creepy! Protection will now help in this case.


  1. Sinister

The all time scariest movie I have ever seen. This one still freaks me out. I actually got the chance to meet the man who plays Mr. Boogie at Horror Hound Weekend in Indianapolis. Basically, Mr. Boogie possesses the youngest child in the family and the child kills everyone, recording the whole process on film. A man and his family move into a house where some of these murders have taken place and in the attic (of course the attic) he finds all the films. The sequel was okay, but not nearly as scary. If you want a reason to now sleep at night… here you go.



Halloween/Scary Movies to watch before October ends!

Halloween is upon us! Check out my movie recommendations, and yes, I have watched all these this month or plan on re-watching them!

Trick r’ Treat

Believe it or not, I just watched this movie for the first time the other day. I don’t think it was as good of a horror movie as it could have been, but there were some really good parts! It shares multiple stories in one movie about people going back on Halloween traditions and not respecting the holiday. You’ll see a ton of 90’s/00’s movie/tv stars you loved.

Scare factor: 7/10 For some frightening imagery and some gore.


Sinister (1&2)

The first Sinister is probably the scariest movie I’ve ever watched. The first time, I didn’t get to sleep until 7 am the next morning because I was so afraid. I even names one of my cats after Mr. Boogie! He possesses children and they end up killing their family, they record the murders on 8mm film and replay them, all you hear in the background is the film spinning, no music. The second one isn’t as scary because you’re seeing it from the child’s POV and not the parents.

Scare factor: 10/10 I can’t re-watch the first one because it scared me so much.


Cabin in the Woods

This movie is my favorite ‘cabin in the woods’ movie where, of course, a bunch of college kids head out to a cabin in the woods and hell is unleashed upon them. I like this movie because of the funny stoner that knows they shouldn’t be there doing the things they’re doing but no one listens to him. But wait! Ah, this cabin in the woods movie has a BIG  plot twist, and I think my other horror friends are going to love it if they give it a try!

Scare factor: 5/10 The humor and plot twist, makes this not so scary.


Tucker & Dale VS Evil

My husband introduced me to this movie about two backwoods hillbillies who are minding their own business when a group of teens stumble upon their house. It’s more of a comedy than a scary movie, but it does have some gruesome scenes. This is a movie you can watch with the lights off and not worry about what goes bump in the night.

Scare factor: 4/10 only due to the gore.


Frankenweenie (or any Tim Burton movie!)

Ah, I do enjoy The Nightmare Before Christmas and Corpse Bride, but Frankenweenie is probably my favorite Burton film about a wiener dog who dies and his owner brings him back to life. I love it because of the kooky kids in it and the black and white reminds me of the old horror movies. Yes, this movie is in all back and white and it came out a few years ago!

Scare factor: 1/10


Hocus Pocus

What’s Halloween without your favorite Sanderson sisters? If you haven’t watched Hocus Pocus, who are you!? We can’t be friends! I’m not even going to explain why this movie is awesome. Just go watch it and enjoy!

Scare factor: 1/10


Me with three awesome Sanderson sister cosplayers at a convention I recently went to!